Baskets can be made to fit any style or need. Custom baskets can be made from a picture or from another basket shown in this site but modified with special measurements. Custom baskets are encouraged and can be the most challenging and rewarding to make.
Cubby Baskets (customer provided cubby unit) $15 ea
Mini Baskets (many different sizes and shapes) $5-15
Dream Baskets (designed for a customer around a Native American tradition of capturing dreams inside a basket) $30
Tier Baskets (customer provided tier) $10-15 ea
Custom Drawer Baskets (made to fit specific drawer measurements) $30-$50 ea
Lamp Baskets*
* Lamp baskets come in many different styles and colors. Any solid handled basket can be used. All hardware available. Many different fabrics available or customer can provide their own fabric.
This site owned and created by Susan Tripp. If there are any problems viewing this site please e-mail No pictures contained herein may be copied or duplicated without the expressed permission of Baskets by Susan. c2000, 2001, 2002